Dec 24, 2003 09:21
Last night I spent the night wrapping gifts. The hours danced by so quickly I didn't realize how much work had to get done and not enough time to finish it. I have to make a new stocking for my nephew. His baby "Precious Moments" has to go. (Actually shot with a thousand bullets....Hey, N4sir, got a job for you!) I can't believe I am throwing another party. This monthly family get together runs costly. Yesterday my stepfather and I picked up the groceries. A Blackforest Ham, Irish butter, English Double Cream, liver pate and other fine taste items were purchased in huge amounts.
My Grandfather is due to get out of the nursing home this Friday or Sunday. My Grandmother's running around has her beat. I don't know how long she will stay tonight but knowing that she is here will be a pleasure.
I need to get motivated and it isn't even 10am here. I hate celebrating the holidays early, why can't we be like normal folks and throw the holiday on Christmas?
Funny of my aunts is a nut job. Sometimes you love her, more often than not you hate her. She mentioned a surprising comment about "her kids being jealous of my niece and nephew being spoiled for the holidays". First, her "kids" are in their twenties. Second, her adult children are above that kind of petty behavior. This is HER being jealous of the lime light being on my brother for having two little ones in the family and the attention focused on them. When you look in Webster's Dictionary under the word Drama Queen, you will discover my aunt's picture. She has pulled more stunts that leave me with the stress of wishing to strangle the living daylights out of her. Anyway, she went on to my mother to ask if she would "bite my aunt's head off while she visited". My mother was knocked over by most of the conversation already with her so this was nothing more than the cherry on the sundae. My mother replied that my aunt should not get on her nerves if she didn't want to be bitten. My mother has been under a lot of stress with the new job. Mother is wound up tight and ready to explode. My aunt feeds off of that energy and ignites the trigger switch to see the explosion. My mother is a nuclear bomb at this point. I started a pool for the hours of 8-9pm for the explosion. My brother is jealous because he thinks that I picked the prime hours for the fight. Husband agrees with me on the time frame. Maybe I should just pick 9-10pm as the prime hours to get this pool a bit more money. I have a dollar down. I know....Big gambler. Hopefully my aunt doesn't rub me wrong, Christmas or not, I will throw her out of my house with joy. RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!
I haven't managed to worm any information out of anyone in regard to gifts I am receiving. I am miserable. Husband has an armed group of bandits guarding his hoard of presents to me. They are ordered to shoot on sight. Christ, I even bribed my nephew 5 bucks per person and still no luck! Maybe next year I will offer him 10 per person and see how it goes.
Latest update on the pool: Husband is taking the 7-8pm explosion. I guess the 9-10pm was a good idea! The pool is up to 2 dollars!
Nothing more at this second. I have to get started on the house. Fifteen people rubbing elbows is going to get my fuse going. I need a bigger house.