Letting the world drift by

Mar 12, 2014 19:29

Recently I picked up a Logitech Squeezebox Touch from my parents, and after fighting with it for a bit I persuaded it to speak to my network. Now, the main aim of such is to play music from a server on the network, and indeed my NAS is capable of running the necessary software. It can even play Ogg Vorbis which is handy as that's what most of my collection is in (chosen many years ago, as to my ear it doesn't sound as metallic and muddy as MP3).

Setting it all up properly is on the todo list, but in the meantime I've found a far better use for it. Connect it up to the NAD, point it at Chill's MP3 stream, and just let the world drift by...

Posted via m.livejournal.com.


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