Ha. I was looking through the MTV message boards after last night's episode of ABDC and under a post entitled "Tired of flips" I came across some other comments, which explain exactly how I feel about Super Cr3w:
Kaba Modern Fan said
Super Cr3w is not as creative as Fanny Pak. There is no point in arguing that. Fanny Pak comes up with a concept and a story every week, and Super Cr3w for the most part just ignores the challenges and do flips and tricks. Nothing they do excites me anymore. I love the crew, and they are mad talented, but calling them the most creative is a stretch.
"Hey guys, I got an out there idea, tell me what you think. Ronnie, you are going to do a head spin, I'll jump off of something high, and the rest of you guys stand around and back us up. Maybe wave your arms around so you look like you are doing something. How's that for thinking outside the box?"
I'm just poking fun. Super Cr3w deserved top 3, they are much better than Status Quo as a direct comparison. But truly, their strength is athleticism, not creativity.
posted on 08.01.08 | 12:43 AM
yoyoyoman said
hershey youv got it right which is why SS should have stayed and SC gone because of the versitility. if the voting really does count i have to say that the judges(actually more like JC and shane) created bias towards SC for every flip and trick they did....i mean its amazing stuff but what about the choreography which wasnt that great throughout the season. Shane should have gone crazy for Status Quo instead of Jaba if he loved flips and tricks so much over good choreography...and it was the lack of good choreography and the excess tricks which he complained about with status quo in last season...there is no consistancy with the judging and we know that the judges,MTV producers and editing effect the voting so much! Anyways hershey you got it right....again ...theres no real reason to vote cause its all set up for supercrew anyways.
posted on 08.01.08 | 1:30 AM
Go away, Super Cr3w.
Super W3ak