
Dec 08, 2002 13:07

I think it was the news (I was fuzzy from just having woken up at the time) this morning where they had this couple who were outraged that one of the chaperons to their kid's field trip to DC was in drag (but not Divine-style, just mild cross dressing and makeup). They were like "the school should require everybody to dress properly during business hours, so we don't have to explain to our daughter" - who is 10, btw.

this really pissed me off for 2 reasons:
1. what is proper attire, as long as it's not indecent?
2. their unwillingness to explain gender differences to their daughter (they said they would've liked to wait a few more years - I can't help assuming a few more years means forever to them :P)

I think a 10 year old is old enough to understand these things. But by making it a big issue they're not helping their daughter at all. On the contrary. I don't understand why they can't calmly explain to her in as many details as they think she could assimilate and leave it that. I'm sure the kid was a lot more disturbed by all the violence she inherently sees on tv etc. I'm willing to bet she found this rather amusing. They are naive if they think they can shield their daughter from the realities of the world. The more they try to, the more accomodation issues they will perpetuate in her.

I don't want to let the barometer fall on the next page ;)

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