(no subject)

Nov 28, 2003 22:12

I have this problem where I think of the last week or so that I just lived as my whole life. Its not like I don't remember the rest of my life, its just that I'm constantly reevaluating what I'm doing with my life. When I think back to what I've been doing recently and it ammounts to basically doing work, and screwing around, I get worried. The only reason I say this is that I've been sick for the past week. Between trying to get the ol' bed rest, then grinding through my work, bleary-eyed, and dizzy in my waking hours...well, there's really been nothing inbetween that.

God, I'd really just like to be on a beach in the Bahamas reading Tom Clancy. Things don't get more soothing than that. There, the sun doesn't beat down on you like it does in most places. It wraps you up, and puts a smile on your face. With the gentle beating of the waves as your soundtrack, the days just seem to make sense. You get to the beach, just in time for a brilliant sun-rise on the water. Relax. Read. Go for a swim. Take a nap. Ad infitium. Just when you start to think things might be getting boring, the sun takes a bow, and slips down to water level. It seems to hover there, reluctant to dip into the cool ocean water, or maybe just for your own enjoyment. As the stars begin to poke out, one by one, your thoughts slip, just slip entirely. You could stare for hours, and you do.

Yes indeed, that's where I'd like to be right now. As blatantly escapist as it is, its true. Add to that situation some old fashioned good company, and you've got yourself a recipe for success. It kind of reminds me of this article Kurt Vonnegut article I read in In These Times (aside: since when does Kurt Vonnegut write articles? Maybe I'm just out of the loop), anyway, he talks about he was sitting on the beach with his uncle one day having a nice chat, you know, the kind of nice chat you'd have with schat felder on a beach, and his uncle just decides to say "If this isn't nice, I don't know what is." The truth is, you need more moments like that in your life. Times when you can just drop everything and say, this is nice, and there's no doubt about that. He went on to talk about how one of the best things in life is music. Right now, I'm sitting in my room, the lights are dimmed, and I'm listening to Dave Brubeck. Really now, music, especially Jazz, doesn't get much better than this. Especially because I can appreciate the amazing sax talent.

Which brings me to my next point, I haven't played my sax in a while. I spent a good ten years of my life playing that baby. Its a shame I've stopped. I really intend to restart though. Perhaps that would be a good thing to do over break. I just feel all bottled up right now. I've got no creative output. I never knew it, but I apparently need to express myself once in a while. Or maybe I've never had to express myself up to this point, and I am just now feeling the need to do so. You know, that gets me thinking. I hear a lot about this thing called "teenage angst." It is most often used in a negative since, especially from those who are, how do you say, not teenagers. Apparently a lot of teenagers go through this, but I've found that I never reached such a stage. I'm not really sure whether you have to go through this stage at some point, or if its just optional. Its kind of like my wisdom teeth. I've never gotten them out, and I don't know if you have to, and I certainly don't want to get them out, judging from the experiences of others. Hopefully, I somehow managed to avoid this teenage angst thing. I have a way of avoiding bad things and not even knowing it.

Speaking of me, where have I been the past like 2 months??? Seriously, does anyone know?? Because my guess is about as good as yours. I just recently started talking to everyone again, but I just hate feeling like people are slipping away. I know that they're not, but I can't help but get that feeling when I talk to someone after such a long period without communication, which we both know shouldn't have happened. I'm resolving this for the last time though. I'm not letting this happen again. I know I can do this, its a sure thing. However, I must insist that young Doug Scheider gets a phone. I know he might claim to have one, but I fear that the device he has, while it may resemble a phone, is not one. In truth, it has all the characteristics of a phone, but the keypad is replaced with a large red button that says "Becky" on it. Now, I have no problem with this device. I'm all about innovation in the tellecom industry, and I'm also all about Doug talking to Becky. I might suggest though that he get a similar phone with the name "Doug" or "Boy" inscribed on it. Perhaps I will float the idea with him.

I'll be the first to say it: when Andy finds out that I actually wrote in my journal, the first words out of his mouth will be "I don't believe it." And its true, I haven't written in a very long time, but so be it. Here's to more journal entries, and here's to good times had by all. Because good times are what its all about.

-- Boy
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