Useful tips/tricks

Jan 21, 2008 05:21

Well I am extremely bored and with my mind, I don't like to give myself time to think too much lol. So like to keep myself busy. Which thought I would start a blog on tips/tricks, for some reason I love stuff that can be used for stuff you never would think of (just read rubbing peanut butter on stickers on furniture removes them:-p) and esp love natural beauty stuff (some would call me a hippy due to my love of natural lol) and ways to save money by finding cheaper alternatives:-)
SO going actaully tag this thing (my first tag I think and proably add on this blog as I think of things or read of things:-) )
Oh Yea, of course if you know of one or a few...leave comments and will add them on to this:-)

Things I have tried (and works)-


BABY OIL- Which a while back I had to laugh cause Oil of Olay or a brand like that came out with this Shower moisturizer that you would pay an arm and leg for and it did the same thing as the trick I had been using for dry skin for years , just your common everyday BABY OIL(I like johnson's but the cheaper stuff does just aswell)... just apply with washcloth (and if you want soap up afterwards) in the shower and your skin will be silky.

OLIVE OIL - I recently started doing this and my skin tone has gotten better and hasn't broken out bad in ages (YAY) which its also very good if you have flaky dry skin. Its OLIVE OIL and SUGAR (or for a more course scrub use salt, but I have found to like the sugar better, mostly if the skin is too dry and crackly..salt can hurt lol) Which you just mix the sugar into the olive oil ( the amount just depends on what you are needing it for, but doesn't take too much olive oil, for my face usually use about a tablespoon of olive oil) until it forms a paste, it doesn't have to be perfect..but good if its more liquid than "dry". Apply it to your face (or legs..or elbows ..hands..or whatever...) ..scrub in circular motions than rinse off and clean your face (or whatever) like you usually would. You will find you will have smooth silky skin:-) Which there are scrubs out there that does the same thing but you pay way more for it..and to me ...its all the same.


EGG WHITES - I remember reading this back when I was a teenager in Seventeen or Teen Magazine , one of the girls on Head Of The Class (think it was..the brunette) said she did this for her skin and tried it..and loved it. Which it was when I had oily skin.  Best to beat them up with a fork, til you get a froth, and use the froth on your face. Let it dry and then rinse off... Heard its a good toner too.

APPLE VINEGAR-  Is a great astringent  , a mixture of half apple vinegar and half cold water, apply with cotton pad/ball.

TOOTHPASTE -  Apply it to zits  instead of zit cream (I usually use it once or twice though, its extra drying...use it too much and it will create peeling skin..which than the olive/sugar scrub comes in handy:-))


OLIVE OIL - Which its been years since I did this but when I went blonde , my hair was really damaged. And found heating up Olive Oil up in the microwave (not too hot, forget the amount of time..but just want it to be warm...not to scold your head) ..massage in your hair... warm up a towel in the dryer (or I use to lightly wet it and put it in the microwave, just be careful lol...don't get it too hot) wrap it around your head and let it sit in hair for half an hour (actually heard you can do without the towel, just put plastic wrap or something over your hair and can leave it in all day...or night) and than shampoo your hair ..rinse and repeat. But I would only recommend this if you hair is reallllllly dry/damage:-) My hair is prone to get oily easily now a days so I don't bother with it anymore lol

APPLE VINEGAR - Oh a good way to remove buildup from your hair! (It has so many good uses lol, I keep a big jug of it on hand) You mix about a cup of it with a cup of water (well just equal parts, is all that matters I guess) and before shampooing, rinse your hair with it............and let it soak in for just a minute (no longer...unless you want your hair to be dried out!) and than shampoo like usual:-) Shampooing after, removes the not so lovely odor

Another Conditioner -  Mix 3 eggs, 2 tbs olive oil or safflower oil and 1 tps vinegar. Apply to your hair. Cover with plastic cap and leave on for 1/2 hour.  Shampoo as usual.
Have yet to Try (Have Read or Been told about)


VITAMIN E CAPSULES -  Cheap but time consuming -  Take about 20 (give or take depending on hair length) , cut them open with small scissors.  Take the gel and put it on the ends of your damaged hair.  Continue until all ends are covered and work the gel in.  Leave on hair for at least an hour. Than shampoo as usual

Things I have tried (and works)-

APPLE VINEGAR , this one I am sure most will know. Its great to clean with... well so is regular white vinegar, but the smell off Apple Vinegar is a tad better. Mix it with water to mop floors... or use it straight to clean mirrors/glass (also using newspaper to clean the mirror is also good..but can use paper towels, just make sure to wipe the mirror/glass down with dry paper towel or whatever after cleaning it with the vinegar)

Have yet to Try (Have Read or Been told about)

household, beauty, tips, tricks

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