Postal Surprise

Jun 23, 2007 12:32

Today is Saturday. Today at 7:14 a.m. the doorbell rang. It was the parcel man, delivering my CDs from Israel. On a Saturday. At 7:14 a.m. Unheard of! Especially since I got the confirmation e-mail on Thursday that the parcel was posted. And the post mark says 21-6-07. And today is a Saturday. We have no deliveries on Saturdays.

I didn't get the original order, but was kind enough to offer to substitute a CD I ordered and was still unavailable 6 weeks later to another one of the same value, and no I am sitting here listening to some nice music instead of cleaning. I will have to hook my father's desktop up with the speakers to listen to more while actually doing some work.

Can I say I am happy?

Aki nem vette volna észre, ma szombat van.

Reggel 7:14-kor megszólalt a kaputelefon: a postás volt, csomagot hozott. Szombat reggel negyed nyolckor! Szombaton!

Megjöttek végre a CD-k Izraelből! Takarítás közben azokat hallgattam. Nagyon jól feldobták a munkát. Mindet gyorsan bemásoltam a gépre, onnan át az mp3 játszóra. Fel vagyok készülve a táborozásra.

posta, zene

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