Feb 10, 2009 21:39
After a lot of ups and downs an important decision has been reached. Having considered the situation carefully with my logic and intellect as well as heart and soul i have decided to renew my lease and stay in my current living situation. In case anyone is remotely curious, my living situation here became precarious when my roommate, Aurora and I broke up over the holidays. Since that time, both together and separately, Aurora and I have been considering whether to stay on and cohabitate or to move on and find a new place to live. For both of us the decision was difficult. I had, and still have a few possibilities to move out and room with some other close friends and so did Aurora. However, after exploring some options about a temporary separation, where one of us could return after a few months we both decided to stay on and try to make it work.
The principal reason is that we are both in the midst of trying to resolve our creative problems, i through school and her running her own business. The secondary reason is that we are both essentially comfortable enough with each other that we feel it can work. For my part, i feel im over her and can let her make her own decisions about her life without getting worked up (a real problem just a short while ago). I feel that looking for a new place and leaning on my other friends for support really helped speed my recovery up and get used to being "alone" again. And as for Aurora, i think she has come to appreciate my place in her life, at least enough to work with me and make this place habitable for the coming year.
After weighing all of the options, alone and together we have decided to give it another go under these new circumstances. One thing that we both have decided on was to put pressure on our third wheel of a roommate and get him to either share the space or find a new place. Wont go into it here, but at this point just paying rent is not enough. We both agree that if we can smooth out those problems we will all have a smoother ride over the months to come. I don't think i rushed into this decisions or just made it out of comfort,laziness, or fear or that i have some deeper motive that i cant even see. I think i just want to live and let live with a close friend. Before finally deciding on it Aurora and I did a tarot reading, and found it was very auspicious. So wish me luck in the interesting times to come!