Release Date: January 25, 2011. ISBN-13: 9780425240137. Price: $7.99US/$9.99. Notes/Series: Guild Hunter #3. Looking forward to the third installment of Ms. Singh's series with Raphael's mother returning from the grave(?!?) to re-claim her son. The author also recently revealed on her blog the title of the 4th installment in the series: Archangel's Blade and it stars of my favourite vampires Dmitri!
Release Date: May 31, 2011. ISBN-13: 9780425242094. Price: $25.95US/$32.50. Notes/Series: Psy-Changeling #10. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective, patience, and purse-strings Ms. Singh's psy-changeling series goes 'hardcore' with a hardcover release with one of the sexiest werewolves in paranormal romance at the moment: Hawke. I'll be good for once and not spoil the news in case you're new to the series who the heroine is going to be (read: expect fantastic fireworks!).
Release Date: March 29,2011. ISBN-13:9780451233165. Price: $27.95US/$35. Notes/Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood #9. Although the lovely lady who blogs at
Lurv a la Mode eleoquently wrote why a reader could stop reading the series at the sixth installment; I personally decided to continue reading even with the residual unsatisfactory feelings after finishing each novel - I love the characters of the BDB and hope burns eternal I'll fall in love with series again. At the very least I want to try sticking around for Qhinn's and Blay's HEA. Unfortunately, the HEA is down the pike and the story I'll have to content myself with is Payne, Vishous's twin, and Doctor Manuel Manello's, former colleague of Doctor Jane Whitcomb, HEA instead. It will be interesting to read how their story unfolds since they have never meet before and therefore have no personal history to play of off or worry about...
Release Date: May 31, 2011. ISBN-13: 9780441020423. Price: $7.99US/$8.06 ('s prices tend to fluctuate with the exchange so the Canadian price might or might not change). Series/Notes: Kate Daniels #5. Recently read the except posted at Ilona's blog and together with the snippets Ilona and Gordon have been posting on-line, I am looking forward to a sleepless night to finish reading their novel.
Release Date: March 2011 (, and post January 25 but Patricia's also states March...). ISBN-13: 9780441019731. Price: $26.95US/$35. Series/Notes: Mercy Thompson #6. Ms. Briggs has posted on her blog the next alpha and omega novel will be published in January 2012 due to re-structuring her contract to give her more time to write.
Release Date: February 22, 2011. ISBN-13: 9780061783180. Price: $7.99US/$10.99. Series/Notes: Night Huntress #5. Four words: Possible vampire ghoul war. update: Jeaniene Frost is awesome writing goddess and she has also posted
the first two chapters of her book!!!