Still alive

Nov 15, 2004 22:12

I've arrived in Florida... yay.

left a little later than i wanted to on Friday morning, took longer to pack the final things into the car.
left Frankenmuth around 10am, and Rich and i were on the road. 50 deg though Ohio all the way into Georgia. Stoped for food/gas in ohio.. went to a skyline chili place.. was pretty good, but you couldn't just order a bowl of chili.. which i found weird. Hit a hardies in Tenn, that was good, HUGE burger. Ohio/Kentucky boarder was a little busy.. and Atlanta was of course nuts. Got past Atlanta and called it a day and found a hotel. If i were driving alone, i'd have driven straight though, but meh... i don't care, we made good time. Woke up around 9 ish.. and took off.. stopped at a waffle house for breakfast after 2 hours on the road. and then we got to gma's house around 4pm ish taking the back way in. Unloaded all my stuff, and reassembled my bike. we left to pick up some essentials and some food at wendy's. The girl at the counter was hitting on me... it was annoying, i just wanted my food, and she was fat and not attractive. Organized my stuff in my room when i got home.. trying to find things that i packed and such.. forgot my ps2 power cable, so no watching any dvd's for now. My cousin Brenda is flying in on monday though, so she's gonna bring my cable and some of my mail. I went to the mall today, and bought some tools at sears.. I need a wash bucket and a car was mit or something, but walmart had crap for that stuff.. I miss my meijers :(
Chore to get some inet access.. called netzero, and set up an account.. but apparently you MUST use there software to get online. Now tell me, how am i supposed to download this software if i CANT GET ONLINE!?.. so i went back to Wal-Mart and got an aol cd.. 3 months free.. so that works. some black dude hit me up with a story that his car ran out of gas, and his wife and 3 kids are back there, and they need some gas money.. i gave him 5 bucks.. meh.. if he just wants some cheap liquor so be it... I hate beggars though.
now i'm just sitting online, looking things up, finding out where stuff is.. talk'n to people.. and try'n to to be bored. having net access helps with that though.. got some magazines to give me more to do while i'm sitting here..

spose thats pretty much it.. i have a head ach...
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