This year I resolve to let things that are beyond my control run their course without interference.
I have learned over the past week that I can't "fix" everything around me and sometimes things just have to work out on their own. I know that it's going to be really hard for me to take a step back when my instinct is to jump in and be the diplomat. Some situations however take help from both sides, and any one person can only go half way to make some things right.
My goals for getting through difficult situations of all sorts in 2008 are:
- To be myself and speak honestly
- To add my two cents if it's asked for (god that will be hard) or I'm actively involved in the conversation already. If I feel I *must* give my opinion, I will ask permission first.
- To let others take the bulls by the horns
These are pretty lofty goals for me, and I'm sure that I'll fail along the way, but I'm going to try.