Oct 15, 2007 09:44
Some points on music.
Every summer, it seems that I end up with one CD that just epitomizes the fun outgoing feeling of that summer. They have previously been as follows:
This Summer 07: Hawkwind - Doremi Fasol Latido (I would figure that living on a boat would cause me to listen to absurd amounts of the Pogues or something, but no, Hawkwind. It is just such good free spirited, soaring through space kinda music. Love it.)
Summer 2006: T-Rex - Electric Warrior (good and groovy beyond words)
Summer 2005: Morrissey - You are the Quarry (This was the summer I decided to finally shed my life in Lansing. I had met Jenny and we were excited--generally drunk at the Bird in Mt. Pleasant-- and having a blast being the care-free and in love type of couple)
Summer 2004: For some reason I am blanking on what these summers held.
Summer 2003: I suppose that remembering 6 of 8 summers is pretty good anyhow.
Summer 2002: Sarcofago - Nights In Hell (fucking raw fist pumping fun- Jesu Christo INRI!!)
Summer 2001: Tormentor - Recipe Ferrum (I must have listened to The Matchstick Girl 850 times that summer. So damn fun)
Summer 2000: Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Satanas (I really can't explain why this album struck me in the summer. Just so good it doesn't matter when you hear it I guess)
Mind you, I listen to lots of other things in the meantime, these are just the top winners of previous summers.
This discussion brings me to the impending winter.
Winter is going to be very different. No more island hopping and sipping margaritas while relaxing to Popol Vuh. I listen to metal and blackmetal all the time, but I think its going to be an especially cold metal winter. In the last week it has become rather cold out here. The ocean wind is back. I'm installing a fireplace in the boat. Things point toward a cold hibernation on a frozen ocean. Awesome. In the last few days I've been excitedly listening to mass amounts of:
Destroyer 666 - Violence is the Prince of This World
Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
Black Sabbath - Sabotage & Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion
I need to get some more Destroyer 666 for this winter. Also need to own some Absurd.
Any good winter metal recommendations will be openly accepted.
All this makes me think of my own musical endeavors. I wasn't very productive this summer. I was too busy sipping good drinks and fishing. Not a problem by me, but disturbing somehow that I was so... non-creative? Or was I? Now that winter is here, will that change? I would think so, but I am constantly SWAMPED with homework this semester.
Environments and Music. They go so hand in hand. This is why musical scenes actually make sense and serve a purpose and function in the creative music process. Why did good thrash come from Germany in such large quantities? Go watch the Sodom video and he will explain how the scene rallied against the economic depression of the particular cities and neighborhoods. How they all pushed each other on, both to party destructively and to make music constructively. Is this why the Lansing scene is so good? I'm sure it is. Boston = good economy, bad music scene... yipee for the angry irishmen, but it isn't always that musically pure--in my humble estimation.
Ah well, all of this babble is just putting off homework haha.
I think now I will go listen to Enslaved - Frost. fucking cold!
...and do homework :(