Artist Sign-Ups

Sep 04, 2013 17:27

                                                                                 Artist Sign-Ups

Here's the place for artists to sign up for the challenge.

Email/PM (other ways to contact you):
Type of art you do:
Fandom(s) you can do art for:
Maximum number of stories you can do art for:

Name:Read more... )

!sign ups

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Comments 2

mella68 September 30 2013, 20:35:34 UTC
Email/PM (other ways to contact you):
Type of art you do: manip
Fandom(s) you can do art for: SGA; SPN; MARVEL Universe and more
Maximum number of stories you can do art for: 2


obliqueo October 1 2013, 16:39:10 UTC
Name: Obliqueo
Email/PM PM or
Type of art you do: Digital/Traditional illustration
Fandom(s) you can do art for: Harry Potter (H/D), Merlin, Person of Interest, GOT, The Social Network, LOTR, The Hobbit, Sherlock
Maximum number of stories you can do art for: One


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