another early morning thought

Apr 07, 2005 01:08

i have an idea which i want to know if you guys support, well a few ideas.

1) Changing the national flower, if we have one, to a pansy or a dandylion. because dandylions are pritty, but when you get down to it, their still considered a weed, kind of like the US, a good idea, but just a pain in the ass over all, and pansy is just a funny name.

2) Changing the national bird to a woodpecker. those things hit their head really hard against a tree. you know how much that must hurt? have you ever put a cup on your face and hit your head against a tree? it hurts. but he keeps doing it! and if it doesnt hurt, he must have a really hard head. needless to say that its just like the US hitting our head against a brick wall cause were retarted and not quite sure what were doing, and even if we feel no pain, it's cause were hard headed.

3) Making/changing the national animal to a skunk. i mean think about it, some animals hunt for their pray, and leave their pray alone when their not hungry. we just keep taking no matter how much we get. Some animals protect their young when their attacked with claws and nails, but eventually leave the damn thing alone after its dead. a skunk? well it just smells like shit and hope that keeps things away. not to mention after a skunk is done defending itself, it doesnt just go away, it fucking lingers and makes you want to kill yourself! very much like the US. you know why know one has wanted to invade this place? cause it sucks, not to mention it smells like shit in a lot of places. take new jersey for example, who the hell would want to claim that they have that under their control? hell it would become its only nation cause no one would want it. i think this one speaks for itself.

4) Make/change our national fish to a barracuda. it sees somthing shiny, it goes after it. we see oil somewhere, we go after it. the fish stays away from non-shiny things, we stay as far away from helping the homeless and other less fortunate (non shiny) things.

5) And finnaly, changing the american flag to a Pirate Flag. Come on...we take what we want and if you get in our way, we kill you...if you dont get in our way, we still kill you. its a perfect fit for us.

Am i the only one who thinks im on to somthing?
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