Jan 07, 2005 12:07
I've been making alot of decisions since I've been back here.
I decided that if you think your screamo and you haven't got pinched shoulders, a rodent-like visage, aren't at least shorter than 5'4'' and don't have a unibrow than you are nothing but a shamelessly affected, factitious poser.
I don't know where I'm going to be living in a month.. again.
I think though, I've been thinking. you see I've got this idea inside my head thats been taking shape to the effect of extracting student loans on a tremendous scale and then.. well and then I think I'll construct A MAGNIFICENT FLYING MACHINE OUT OF T-SHIRTS AND CHAIR LEGS WHICH WILL PROVIDE ME WITH WINGED ESCAPE ACROSS THE SEA TO BEGIN AGAIN A LIFE I SEEM TO HAVE BOTCHED PRETTY WELL UP TO THIS POINT.
and that my friends, is the plan.