the indescribable moments of your life.

Apr 18, 2007 19:20

so, the little boy I used to babysit died the other night in a car accident. he wasn't so little anymore, in fact, he was seventeen or eighteen. his family lives down the street from the house I grew up in. I used to sneak champagne from their parties after I had put him, his sister and his cousins to bed. honestly. if I have to think about mortality one more time during this horrible, rainy, grey week, I am going to lose. my. mind.

the past few days, I've been listening to Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, that adolescent relic, and feeling really weird. it's still a good record. I've been thinking about the temporality of everything. I've also been having this strange revelation that I'm less interested in acheiving my own success as I am in having a hand in everybody else's. I've been thinking about the importance that art and music can have in a world that is apparently falling to shit. and the total unselfconsciousness of getting to really sing words you wrote yourself. I'm working on a few ideas for the summer and so on, I think it could all be really cool. and kind of get to the core of what acting should be, and what rock music could be, and the kind of intense collaboration that musical storytellers of the actor and musician variety can absolutely create if they weren't so absorbed in the so-called mutual exclusiveness of their art. I hate purism, I hate elitism. I want everyone to do beautiful things together while we still have the time and life-force to do them.
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