Challenge 1 Week 5 Day 33

Feb 29, 2008 21:33

x-posted to team_fatty & takami826

I'm a little anal, but wrapping up week five, I know, being a woman, that potential plateau weeks are coming

basic stats
Scale change: -13.75 lbs
Muscle change: +.71 lbs
Fat change: -14.46 lbs
Average per week: 2.75 lbs
Last week: 251
This week: 251.25
Scale change: +.25

Scale change is unsettling, however my neurotic excel sheet shows much progress other than what a scale can show. thank the gods!

Challenge #1012345Current Weight265257255.5254251251.25BMI42.841.541.24140.540.5Body Fat %54.753.1452.7852.5451.9451.94Fat Mass144.96136.57134.85133.45130.37130.50Lean Mass120.05120.43120.65120.55120.63120.75Scale Change 81.51.53-0.25Muscle Change 0.390.22- Change 8.391.721.403.08-0.13Age383838383838Gender000000Neck    1515Chest    4342Biceps    1413.5Forearms    10.510.5Hips    5551Waist    4342.5Thighs    23.523Calves    17.517
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