Writer's Block: There Can Be Only One

May 23, 2009 02:49

For me? Yes, sure, but not currently and I'm probably "not ready" (in reewayshunship advice parlance).

For the rest of the world? Who knows? Bleh, people are near impossible to predict. For instance, today my sister ripped my head off for accidentally activating a singing animatronic One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater I didn't know we owned until that moment (evidently it was a "sore spot for her," in my mom's words). The douchenozzle who is newly out of my life, for one, believes in it approximately half the time. That's when he's in his "must have stable mature sexually dead boring live in relationship to be a real adult" phases. The other half the time is characterized by "don't wanna be tied down by anyone; relationships are stupid anyway; I wanna tell all the people in my life to fuck off and be promiscuous as FUCK* and my desires are always valid because I'm a special snowflake" phases. An exemplary specimen of the contemporary personality disordered masses, that one.

* Real quotes

Now I unfortunately must sleep in order to attend tomorrow's commencement functions at my alma mater.

writer's block, monogamy

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