Jul 22, 2006 03:24
wow tonight was just alright fun all around. I was overjoyed that teh whole crew mike, jon, chubbs, hoj, rau, me and my bro went. It was great fun though chubss didn't seem to appreciate the finer pts of qxts. it was amazomg ;p;/ Evem jon had fim wjocj was a,zomg.
i find that life is worth living again to just be hanging out w/ friends it is veru therpotic er oidimmo i dont knpw wjat to sau tp tipir fl
o was sp tempted tp ca;;ma,e sje wpi;d sjpw fimwe spi;d kist ;ott;e [ep[;e ;,[ we a teik,m[l. da,m im drin=ml/ ;p;