AndD95: i can't count how many times he ended up on teh floor
AndD95: he slept for like more than 5 mins in white castle bathroom
AndD95: and pathstation floor
A Minds Escape: lol
AndD95: lol
AndD95: one guy passed us and he's like
A Minds Escape: you have to give me a play bplay, man
AndD95: boy i thought i was drunk
A Minds Escape: I beg you
AndD95: kind of makes me feel better about myself
AndD95: alright
AndD95: we start off the night picking up the 4 bottles i bought friday
AndD95: the girl in liq got spooked so we are still 6 bottles away from the grand collection
AndD95: we weren't sure where to drink
AndD95: so we drank at teh big apple
AndD95: i had 2 heinikens and car bomb, mike had 2 car bombs and a miller light
AndD95: hoj had a pizza
AndD95: i t hink it was a span of 15 mins
AndD95: alteast 5 waiting for the damn waitress to give me my cc back
AndD95: hoj said we need to go to city
AndD95: me and mike caved
AndD95: we got excited
AndD95: i was buzzed since hte last thing i ate was in the afternoon
AndD95: we head t o mcdonalds
AndD95: mike eats 3 burgers, i eat 2
AndD95: hoj nothing
AndD95: lol
AndD95: we go to hojs to pick up bacardi for him
AndD95: and go to smilyes? um grocery indian store
AndD95: pick up 2 7ups and diet pepsi
AndD95: 20oz
AndD95: we head to newport to take path from there
AndD95: miek brings bookbag into maggies
AndD95: in the back we each take a shot of absinthe
AndD95: that shit really is neon green
A Minds Escape: should have mad an absinthe milkshake
A Minds Escape: but tah's beside the point
A Minds Escape: lol
AndD95: we mix our drinks, i get 7 up and spitatose, mike gets 7up ameretto, hoj gets bacardi bottle n diet pepsi
AndD95: it was about 3/4's full
AndD95: we take the shot and leave the rest of liq besides soda bottles
AndD95: on teh path train we guzzle soda, before 3 st ops pass
AndD95: hoj kept on refilling his bacardi diet pepsi
AndD95: and killed the bottle
AndD95: we left our trash on train and get to 33rd
AndD95: prettyh well off
AndD95: we walk to 50something street
AndD95: lol
AndD95: liq kicks in MAD HARDCORE
AndD95: since i think we drank al taht in teh span of an hour and 15 mins
AndD95: we see some random woman, so hoj goes to her "do you know any bars where there are loose women"
AndD95: she says yah follow me
AndD95: we end up in this high class bar/bistro place
AndD95: the women were 38
AndD95: lol it was one fo the grls birthdays
AndD95: they say they like young guys
AndD95: lkol
A Minds Escape: ...holy shit?
A Minds Escape: lol
AndD95: lol
AndD95: yeh we wished the girl happy birthday like 5 times each
AndD95: reintroducing ourselves
A Minds Escape: you're lucky you didn't get led into an alley and killed, lol
AndD95: lol
AndD95: lol
AndD95: the bartender says we aren't dressed appropruiately
AndD95: so we just ok the guy and say bye
AndD95: to find the bar we are supposed toi fine
AndD95: find*
AndD95: we basically followed the mass of people
AndD95: lol
AndD95: we get to the bar, another round of carbombs for everyone
AndD95: we walk across the street
AndD95: carbombs yet again
AndD95: followed by a round of beers
AndD95: we decided to sit for a second
AndD95: and lounge w/ beers on these leather couches
AndD95: lol hoj fell in teh middle of the seats
AndD95: couldn't stop laughing rolling
A Minds Escape: ...I... hate... being... 20...
AndD95: lol
AndD95: we said "damn we wish ray was here"
A Minds Escape: Do continue, you filthy slut bitch.
AndD95: we guzzle beers
AndD95: and try and aim in our mouths
AndD95: it was like 42
AndD95: lol the one ring credit card
AndD95: lol was taking the brunt of it
AndD95: we walk around
AndD95: outside
AndD95: i'm not ven sure why we lefft
AndD95: we shoudl of sat there and chilled for a bit
AndD95: no we get out right outside
AndD95: and hang out
AndD95: lol
AndD95: i'm going to speak for us all when i can honestly say that the 3 of us were piss drunk
AndD95: at this point
AndD95: me for being stupid and not eating before we went drinking
AndD95: hoj who really sin't supposed to be drinking at all hardcore
AndD95: and mike becausehe is making drinking a regular habit
AndD95: we get teh idea we want to go to club exit/black
AndD95: i say we cab it
AndD95: but mike is like we should probs walk off some of the liq
AndD95: its sort of a blur what happens
AndD95: as we take conflicting directions from over 20 groups of people
AndD95: i know we stopped in some korean grocer and i think i bought some chocolate milk
AndD95: and i know i took a piss
AndD95: before we set out on our quest
AndD95: still not any better
AndD95: we end up by times square near a mcdonalds
AndD95: we dont eat anyting but we have to piss like race horses
AndD95: and for some reason just hang out outside
AndD95: lol
AndD95: me and hoj start talking to a group of girls
AndD95: and we chime mike in
AndD95: i know that i wrote on a girls arm my screename/myspace
AndD95: thens ome random guys also wanted to talk to these girls or their friends
AndD95: so i high fived some guy
AndD95: or greeted them
AndD95: it was a large group
AndD95: from california
AndD95: something happened where a black person was threatening another or something inside mcdonalds
AndD95: so some cops came and me, hoj, and mike stumble out of vviolent reaction range
AndD95: and the girls got into a cab caus ethey had to go back to their hotel
AndD95: we try to act sober
AndD95: to not get hasseld
AndD95: cops decide to play with a negro
AndD95: and we walk teh other way...
AndD95: then walk back
AndD95: for a couple of blocks
AndD95: it was bout 4 something at this point
AndD95: or 5
AndD95: we say exit is a bust lets go to path and go home
A Minds Escape: Don't worry, I'm still with you.
AndD95: k
AndD95: so we go to path. but its closed
AndD95: i forgot that path closes for 2 hours
AndD95: every night
AndD95: lol
AndD95: i think it was around like 5ish 30?
AndD95: so we said thye probs open at 6
AndD95: we decide we are hungry
AndD95: we are by um 33rd st. mall
AndD95: i forgot whats its called
AndD95: we walk to madison square garden
AndD95: cause there is a grays papaya
AndD95: i wanted to get hot dogs but hoj wants fries
AndD95: so we walk a block back and found a white castle
AndD95: mike goes to order hoj sits down
AndD95: and i sit next to these gothish type people
AndD95: that came out of the batcave
AndD95: my brother has been there before
AndD95: it was 2 girls
AndD95: and like 4 guys
AndD95: all were drunk, and were drinking some beers
A Minds Escape: in wwhite castle?
AndD95: had some sort of philisophical talk
AndD95: lol yes
A Minds Escape: classic
AndD95: talking about that the80's rocked
AndD95: and my brother pretty much sent me all his goffish type music
AndD95: so i had a good grasp on stuff to actually talk about
AndD95: mike arrives w/ 15 burgers 2 orders of fries and 2 drinks
AndD95: i'm more focused on talking
AndD95: but i guess fate wanted me to see this
AndD95: as mike hands me a burger
AndD95: i see hoj vomit onto his fries
AndD95: and the top of his drink
A Minds Escape: lmao
AndD95: i give the two girls my screename/myspace and as mike is helping hoj to bathroom he adds "add mine too!" lol
AndD95: he leaves hoj in bathroom
AndD95: and awhile passes by and i keep talking to group
AndD95: i ask mike where did hoj go
AndD95: he said batrhoom
AndD95: so he tries to open the door
AndD95: and knocks
AndD95: hoj locked himself in
AndD95: lol possibly passed out/choking on vomit
AndD95: luckily at the counter they can buzz you in
AndD95: hoj sprawled out on teh floor
AndD95: lol i just laughed
A Minds Escape: lmao
AndD95: and we got him up
AndD95: i think i took a picture
AndD95: i know i took quite a few
AndD95: after that everyone was leaving
AndD95: so hoj takes 4 steps out of white castle and heaves 5 times
AndD95: we start walking towards path again
AndD95: cause i think its close to 6
AndD95: as we are walking there is a car of girls
AndD95: one of them is squating pants down using the car door as her like backup
AndD95: to take a piss
AndD95: in the middle of the street
AndD95: i remmber this FAT ass black chick in the backseat
AndD95: all i heard was "rahrarhahr rahhrahra "
AndD95: i think she said "what the fuck are you guys looking at"
AndD95: we all laugh keep walking hoj got my 3 cheeseburgers that were extra and threw them into the garbage
AndD95: i was quite po'd
AndD95: that was breakfast..
AndD95: we get to pathstation
AndD95: it was open
AndD95: but the trian didn't open doors
AndD95: so we tried to put hoj on beam
AndD95: he slid down.
AndD95: then his body shifted
AndD95: and he ended up face down
AndD95: on the floor
AndD95: with a hat over his face/head
AndD95: lol
AndD95: peopel passed by and laughed
AndD95: me and kmike said nah he's fine
AndD95: mike said he was sober
AndD95: i was i guess sober, but lack of sleep also has mystical effects on ou
AndD95: so i was sugffering from insomnia
AndD95: around 6 15?
AndD95: i guess
AndD95: doors open
AndD95: and we rush hoj into a seat
AndD95: since it was a hoboken/jsq train
AndD95: hobokenites entered too
AndD95: these 3 girls sat next to hoj, we said he's been throwing up
AndD95: so one of them leaves
AndD95: and i take her seat
AndD95: lol
AndD95: one of them says mike is cute
AndD95: but too young
AndD95: lol me and mike persue conversation, as hoj's head makes his way to a big black guys bossom
AndD95: i apologize to black guy who doesn't seem pissed off at all
AndD95: and i try and hold hoj straight while keeping up convo
AndD95: they hobokenites leave
AndD95: all teh while there is tranny and her bf?
AndD95: on teh other side of us
A Minds Escape: hoj's head ona black guy's bossom, lmao
AndD95: hobokenites were taking pics w/ theam
AndD95: so tranny and gf were still across from us
A Minds Escape: you were probably isitting next to jeff star, lol
AndD95: a stop later i vault hoj off his feet for a running start so mike can take him
AndD95: cause mike was like i dont wantt o drive to nb, sleep at hojs
AndD95: i'm like no ill take my chances bussing up
AndD95: it*
AndD95: so i sit there,
AndD95: as soon as hoj and mike go out the tranny says that hoj w as hot
AndD95: lol
AndD95: lol i laugh
AndD95: lol but too tired to get a good laugh in
AndD95: i get to journal square, and the place across from hudson news was open
AndD95: people were getting coffee i get a snapple
AndD95: iw aited about 15-20 mins
AndD95: it was near 6:40 i guess when i started seeing mad busses starting to trickle in
AndD95: i get immi bus
AndD95: and try and stay awake
AndD95: not to miss my stop
AndD95: i get off on the top of my block 6:59
AndD95: in my house by 702
AndD95: i take a good piss,
AndD95: get out of clothes
AndD95: pass out 705
AndD95: that wa sthe night
AndD95: hoj fell down so many times during the night
AndD95: liek on the street
AndD95: i'm suprised he doesn't have some sort of disesase
AndD95: disease
AndD95: how do you lj cut again?