Sep 15, 2008 00:19
I'm all giddy, Angie took me out to buy books lol. It was a fun time indeed i wasn't sure what i was going to buy at first then i just went into a frenzy. It's ok since i haven't read a good book in such a long time. I picked up: World War Z, Do Andriods Dream of Electric Sheep, Hell to Pay and Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth (both are part of the Nightside series). I was going to pick up some H.P. Lovecraft books as well as a few others but i restrained myself for the moment at least.
After we got back from Barnes and Nobles Angie showed me her awesome apartment it reminded me of my sister's apartment from a few years back good stuff. We also watched Fido which was one of those movies i really wanted to watch on screen but never had the chance. Awesome comedy about domesticated zombies! lol We all know how much i love zombies <3's. Then we talked it's always a pleasure talking to Angie she is very comforting to talk to even if it's just shooting bs for awhile. Hopefully it won't be another like year and change before i see her so we can hang out again ::hint hint:: lol.
Other than that i've been feeling unnaturally good lately i want to question it but at the same time why would i want to get rid of this feeling? Things have been going pretty good for me and i am looking for opportunities to make it better. Little by little i've come to the grim realization that i love putting myself through situations just to see if i can handle them. This of course makes life harder but in the process i believe i gain greater insight. For example if i think i may like a girl i attempt to sabotage the situation to make things harder/more interesting... yes i am a difficult individual to understand lol.
Dreams have become quite interesting the past few months they seem to be geared to showing me solutions in a very unconventional way about issues that i have been thinking about. I'm slowly starting to pay heed to them not as just dreams that should be ignored but actual advice that needs to be further examined. this should be really interesting =0)
Well loyal readers i've made an oath to myself to try and stay consistent with my blogs (including my hobby blogs... yes i'm a geek!) so i definitely hope to post a lot more in the coming weeks! stay tuned!