Good afternoon, LURPS! And other Lancastrians and quasi-Lancastrians, too. The rest of you are cordially invited to read on with interest, but are less directly relevant.
Most of you local folks will be aware of
Ann Gilbertson's gaming-
related photography. Many of you who read this LJ from time to time may also recall the
Bluffer's Guides thrown together from such photography.
And some of you will know that I'm somewhat stupid and prone to doing crazy things. Like, I dunno, trying my hand at a phenomenon you may be aware of; a gaming related webcomic. Like
Order of the Stick, or - more directly -
Darths & Droids.
Yes, I'm aware this sounds crazy. Newsflash: we are crazy. And so are you bastards, admit it.
So! We have collaborated. We have a Plan. We have, in fact, a first campaign sketched out we figure to last about a year and a half of strips.
We intend for the action to revolve around the players at the table on one hand, and their PCs on the other. These PCs will exist in a Stereotypical Fantasy World with many NPCs. There will be jokes about GMing, stock player types, and so on and so forth.
We will tell this story with photos, as in the Bluffer's Guides, and with captions. We will hopefully tell them with a more reliably legible font. In fact, no. We will tell them with a more reliably legible font. We will cut between Players and PCs, spending more time on the PCs (obviously.)
We intend to get these PCs and NPCs from you guys and your LARP kit. Some of you have already been approached on this and given us the go ahead. Others haven't yet. Some of you have been tentatively cast as NPCs or PCs, but we're flexible. We have two people on board who've offered us their shooping skills when required.
What I'm trying to say here is that this is a Going Concern; we're hoping to get plenty of you involved, but we have a nexus of people we can count on. This will be going ahead, and photography is likely to start next term. You thus have permission to get enthused about it should you wish to.
Why next term? Why, because we'd like as many of you guys as are willing to be part of this.
Shooting, by the way, will take place in big sessions over as few days as possible.
Please do poke me or Ann and register your interest. If we have a part we have you in mind for, we'll tell you what it is, though we may need to check our notes. We'll tell you why that part, too, most likely.
If there isn't room for you to have a major part in the first arc? I've begun vague plotting on the second. Some people who didn't end up tentatively cast for that one are tentatively cast for the second - and we're happy to use you as minor guys in the first. PCs always need more mooks to go through.