(no subject)

Mar 06, 2010 20:37

Two quotes left on the movie meme post a little bit ago. Answers go up tomorrow night if no one gets them...

Anyway! On to the business of the post.

I have the inch to run something, beginning in the holidays. And I'm not sure what just yet.

It'll be out of LURPS and I'll be working on fitting in everyone's schedules.

Two options thus far:

1. Mage: The Awakening: A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing
...but which little bit breaks the camel's back? That's the question. This one has technically already started; a series of linked one-shots and occasional small arcs, is the plan, with a cabal of Mages operating out of Chicago. The cabal is built around a private store of knowledge guarded by a couple of its original storekeepers and a number of new representatives from other Pentacle factions, assigned after the cabal was nearly destroyed, and politically motivated to learn as much from the library as they can while trying to function as a cabal. At the same time, the storehouse needs adding to - something that all members are willing to do - and defending from those outside.

The game will continue to deal with Chicago's magely politics, and expand in scope to tackle questions encountered by any mage within the cabal, plus the occasional globetrotting research trip into the history of the Pentacle and before, trying in part to uncover the truth behind legends of Atlantis. Priority will be given to gentlemanbandit, theglaivemaster, nordicladyfi, felixgwilliams and the hope of regular guest appearances by kit_ana. Anyone who wants to saddle up alongside them is welcome. The nature of this game lends itself better to scheduling as and when we can find the time; if memory serves, the Cabal is missing an emissary from the Silver Ladder, much as that's likely to precipitate a three-way power struggle at the top of the Cabal itself.

We'll likely begin with characters built from starting points again, if only because, as I recall, just about everyone wanted to tweak their stats so we may as well.

5. WFRP 2nd Edition: Set A Thief...
I want to keep combat here to a minimum.

It's now four years since the attempt on Emperor Karl-Franz's life detailed in a published WFRP1E adventure, and two years since the Storm of Chaos began. The political climate, following Valten's controversial anointment as the reborn Sigmar and mysterious death, is about as stable as the average Border Princedom. But, of course, no one will say this.

There are black suspicions over chunks of the Emperor's court. Karl-Franz himself is, of course, certainly perfectly respectable; others, mostly those at the heights of their own political mountains, are also without stain on their reputation.

Others... Not so much. Perhaps it's Chaos, but, as Kurt Helborg, Imperial Reiksmarshal, has been known to remark, the true Enemy Within the empire need only be pride, or greed, or lust.

Kurt had to handle all this, of course. Perhaps Karl-Franz chose a man, and the Grand Theogonist another, and Ar-Ulric another, with Kurt having a representative, and perhaps the Chancellor of the colleges of magic selected a fifth. Perhaps there are six, with the sixth chosen by who knows who. And perhaps Helborg personally selected you all.

Whatever the case, fine men of the Reiksguard snatched you from the street one night. Maybe you were in Altdorf, or Nuln, or Middenheim, or skulking near a castle in Sylvania, your pockets bulging with a Lahmian's blood rubies.

Now, you are in Captain Helborg's office, with a number of other criminals - I nearly said petty criminals, but let's be honest, you're bloody good at what you do.

Just not quite good enough. Captain Helborg has enough, of course, to hang each one of you - which is to say, he has his own word and authority.

But the Reiksguard cannot lay its hand on the highest in the land, and yet they may be criminal or Chaos puppets. So it is that Captain Helborg has created the ultimate deniable asset.

Their guilt - if it's there - must be exposed, good citizens. And in return, a blind eye will be turned to your own apolitical exploits - at least by the Reiksguard, if not the city watches.

To put it another way, game to be half political skulduggery and half PC-led criminal action.

So this, right here, is a call to gaming arms. Who wants in? If so, into which to you want? (Not limited to one.)

Yes, that's right, I'm letting mob rules decide. This cannot possibly go wrong.
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