Tyrone Astin, Emotions, Prompt 094. Uncomfortable

Jan 27, 2006 15:20

Title: Nightmarishly Beautiful
Prompt Set: Emotions
Character: Tyrone Astin
Prompt: 094. Uncomfortable
Word Count: 771
Rating/Warnings: PG for… well. The fact that Tyrone’s dreaming
Author's Notes: I love Tyrone. He’s funny when hormonal.
Summary: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… it was wintertime.

We were sitting on the couch, laughing over something, I wasn’t sure what. I decided finally that it had to be someone’s antics at rehearsal, or else my ineptitude with my lines, or else some prank I’d pulled and set the whole cast laughing. I have a talent for that. Nate was sighing in resignation. I seem to do that quite a lot, actually. Make Nate sigh in resignation, I mean. It’s another talent of mine.

I don’t know what possessed me to do what I did. I think what amazed me more than anything else was that I didn’t get any objections, no freezing at the merest touch as sometimes happened, not even any real surprise. Almost as if Nate had been… expecting that kiss. Actually, I was the one surprised, as Nate kissed me back, hard, the way we always used to towards the end of our senior year of high school.

I pulled back in shock. Nate’s eyes were sparkling as one delicate hand traced my jaw. “You do realize you should have done that the day you moved in, don’t you?” I felt a little flushed, but I had to admit I felt more exhilarated than anything else. I just stared into those beautiful grey eyes for several long moments before Nate sighed in exasperation and pulled me down for another kiss. I didn’t even bother fighting, as I’d been thinking about this for months… ever since we’d first been in the same show together.



“You weren’t really planning on staying here all night, were you?” Nate’s voice sounded far too smug… I just couldn’t think of a way of regaining the upper hand. If I’d even had it to begin with.

“I… wasn’t really planning anything, actually.”

“You should have been,” came the soft reply. All right, I thought a little vaguely, I need to stop… I really shouldn’t even be thinking this. But I was, and I was beyond caring about it any more. Finally, Nate asked me softly, “So… were you going to object to taking either of our shirts off?”

“Not exactly, no.”

“Good,” Nate murmured, lips brushing my neck. “Because I…”

I jerked awake and forced myself not to swear out loud. I shivered in the cold winter air and sat up. This is why I shouldn’t have thought of this, I thought miserably as I looked down at Nate quietly sleeping beside me. I decided it would have been better if I had never moved in, because I’d always known how cold she could get, and winter being what it was…

Really, winter was, in some ways, the best and worst time of year for me. The little apartment we shared now seemingly had a bit of a problem with the heating system. Every winter it managed to malfunction somehow. Nate came to me once to ask me if I had any blankets to spare, and somehow that resulted in a slightly awkward arrangement for sleeping. Nate got cold when I didn’t, but I still needed all the blankets, so we… well. We shared a bed in winter, actually. Sleep together, have all the extra blankets we needed for the both of us, and still stay warm. The good side of this was the whole holding Nate at night, cuddling, getting to pretend for once that everything we had was real.

The down side was the perpetual slightly frustrated feeling I had.

Never mind.

Still, I had woken Nate with my sudden movement. I couldn’t help feeling a little guilty, and a little worried. Some people don’t like waking up, particularly without coffee. Nate looked at me a little sleepily. “Are you all right?”

“I-I’m fine.” I tried to smile. “Perfectly… fine. Yeah. Just dreaming.”

All I got was an inquisitive look. “Dreaming? What about? It looks like something you’re afraid of. But you’re smiling, so it can’t have been all that bad…”

“I’m not afraid!” I blurted before I could stop myself. “It was just that we were…” I stopped, realizing what I was about to say. I blushed furiously.

“What?” Nate asked, sitting up a little and getting just a little too close to me for comfort at the moment.

“Nothing,” I said quickly.

Nate just gave me a disbelieving look as I lay back down and closed my eyes. I didn’t need this. Not while sleeping next to someone I’d been dreaming about for years. Maybe that’s why I started dreaming; it was just habit at this point. But… thank god Nate isn’t a mind reader. I think I would have just decided to kill myself.
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