
Feb 22, 2005 21:45

I need to write a 3 page paper by 3 pm tommorw, it is currently 1145 i beleive. I have no clue wat to write about, my origninal intention was to write about the legalization of marijuana. But id rather save that subject for my research paper. The prompt is for me to write about somehting controversial on campus. Seeing as I started late as fuck on this, I cant pull much research. Seeing as how researc would lead me into alenghty paper, I nulled that idea. Cant decide. But wait, I know the integration of mathematics into hte engineering department, in other words math within the enginering department. Seperat sections ofr engineers. Hmmmmm, I like this idea, I mean think about it. The mathematics will be less theoretical, more applied ot our major. Granted the math will probably become more dificult, it will be easier to see the correlation behind hte material at hand and wat ur tryingt o achieve i.e. ur degree. Like a sort of half assed visual learning tevchnique. Fuck man. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
This day has proven to be most unproductive, ive been in a mathematics mood all day, but no this paper is in the way. Shit. Well regardless i must do wat i must and i will wat i must.
iquit dining services or ive been fired by now :) i wish ot focus more on hte studies. I cant aford to fuck up like last semester.
Man, do u ever jsut feel to urge, to like hurt someone, granted most of you will disagree, but we all know that its the truth.
Ever notice how we bitch about our rights, but we hardly use them. You have a problem with hte system, then fix it, dont jsut sit around and bitch asswipes.
Have u ever felt alone, ya thats the worst one, but rarely do people realize how good they got it u know. Granted i to can be blamed for this but hey i cant help it im only human.
Octavio hasnt mentioned htis to anyone but I like hugs. I always feel like despaired, I have a hard time, ummmm, controlling my self. I have a lot fo rage in me, and im always battling myself. Its so frustrating. The hugs make me feel better, I ask octavio to hug me once a week, I should prob thank him for this but im sure he knows.
Alor of times, when I see people. I think about them its a confrontational way, like wat would i do if they were to attack me. I enjoy it. If i ever killed someone i think i would choke them, as a sign of respect like i will watch u die becasue i respect u. Im not crazy trust me, its jsut the way i think. I would never act on this.
One of my main problems is i like to brood. Just sit there and think, i get nervous around people, I start sweating and runnin scenarios of how everyone is looking down on me, sometimes i fee like im going to faint. Ithink thats y I have a hard time meeting girls.
It takes a long time for me to get comfortable enuff to talk to someone.
Alot of people think im an ass, or dick whatever its all the same. And i guess for the most part I have to agree. Its not that i try to be, its jsut thta im honest. Im not gonna cut any corners with u, and i would expect the same from you. You ask for an opinion youll get an honest one, and honesty sounds mean. Think about it, the truth hurts my friend, but without you cant live properly, you need tosee this world for wat it truly is, jsut look at it, ask yourself sometime and be honest about. Girls you know those guys you htink are real sweet, ask yourself wat do they think when your not around, you know what happens, they become stereotypical men. They think about you as an object for there pleasure for the most part. Guys you know those girls that talk to you most of the time and think ur a great guy, they lie, thell stab u in the back. Most of the time it is out of pity that they talk to you, or they have something to gain from you. Nothin is given to anyone for free, remember that, the truth will set you free. So I will try to tell the truth granted im not honest all the time, but iam human, sometimes i need to advance myself so i lie. Im evil, ur evil, we are born to survive, and in order to do this we must compete, deep done, wed probably all fuck each other over. No one cares as muchas youd like to think, no one. Ur soulmate is ur worst enemy, they know u better than anyone, so they know how to get to u. Marriage for the most part is a bond, a bond that says hey, we cant fuck each other over. But guess wat it still happens. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
The world is funny because it is evil. Evil isnt funny but thefact that we think we can make it better is. Our attempts are futile.
I will say htis tooo. I do think im better than you, LOL, i do. Im greedy my knowledge is mine, maybe ill let you see it someday, LOL.

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