Jan 23, 2009 18:33
(1) Hmm well I stumbled on a video recently with footage of what happened after Hurricane Katrina hit, and it was brutal just remembering how slowly the government responded. I'm so glad Bush is out of the White House.
(2) HEY!! OSCAR NOMINATIONS!!!!oh wait. Kate Winslet got dicked over for Best Actress AGAIN? Dude. Never mind that I really wanted the Dark Knight to be nominated for like... everything. [Edit: My bad, I thought her nomination for The Reader was under Supporting Actress, but I guess she got nominated after all. Hurrah, sort of! Maybe they'll still find a reason not to give her her award.]
(3) I was so excited about Lost starting again that I inevitably felt disappointed by the premiere episodes. I mean they were excellent, but knowing what the show is capable of, I couldn't really put it as their very best.