Comp Day Tomorrow ... NOT!

Nov 20, 2007 15:58

I finished a major project weekend before last and was told I would get some comp time.

Something about 20 extra hours or more. I volunteered a day and a half day of comp time and they agreed to it. Took the half day last Friday and was supposed to be out tomorrow.

Then I get told I have to be at a mandatory meeting this morning, which means that I can't do the lab updates I need to at Mann Library. I can't do them this afternoon because I had an already scheduled meeting ... which no one else showed up for!!!

(@&#)$(*@&#$ Now I have to come in tomorrow to take care of that and a few other things, which I can't put off cause now I'll be driving back and forth to Syracuse for a class next week. Every day. In my truck. Which gets about 15 miles to the gallon.

Meh! I get a mileage allowance. Guess I'll be getting a little extra in my middle of the month check next month. It might pay for the gas to get back and forth to Maine.
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