
Jan 09, 2010 11:06

Today, I'm finally getting around to finishing up tiling the bits of floor in the new house that need doing. I'd been putting it off due to a combination of laziness and waiting for my back to stop being sore from the prior episodes of tiling. One of the big problems was that laying tile is boring, and since today Felicia is out of town, I felt free to crank up the speakers and listen to some music, and since our big external drive is kaput, I decided to try out Pandora.

I'm impressed. They even had obscure groups like Jason Webley, Gogol Bordello, and the Red Elvises. So far, a dozen songs in, they haven't pulled up a single song I dislike. The coincidence I was referring to in the post title was when I was thinking of bands I might want to include, and was considering Radiohead. I had just decided that while I like Radiohead, including too much music like theirs would be depressing when a song of theirs came on.

Other bands on my list:
Pink Floyd
The Offspring
Dropkick Murphys
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Bad Religion
Beach Boys
Blind Guardian
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