Jul 09, 2032 01:59
The Man Man show didn't go the way I hoped. Tickets ran out practically on the day they were provided, so we didn't go. Etta James is oming into down, but I doubt I'll have enough money to see her.
So Friday night I went to Travis' birthday party. I've grown apart from a lot of those people. I was pulled over by a cop. I received a warning. Apparently my tail lights were out. Apparently my headlights are also out. fuuucckkk. I think I have an old enough car where I have to take the whole headlight out to replace the lamp. Fuck
Saturday night was the tranquil night: Metroid Prime 2 with the heavy, thunderous thump of the Red House Painters.
Sunday night was spent with Andie, rewatching one of my favorite movies, Annie Hall.
This was going to be a better, more sophisticated post but the inspiration took off like a bat out of hell.
P.S. I will actually be changing my lj name soon. I'll let you know. It should be within the week.