May 31, 2009 01:51
I'm resurrecting and restructuring. I'm uniting and reinspiring invitations of redemption.
This is the redemption of Nibbana, the true feeling of completion that is far out there beyond anything that can damage it, the precious jewel of peace beyond all disturbing thoughts.
Wanderers say " the more you see: the less you know," but in my search for freedom, i know more now than ever. Yet this is not an invitation for the Mara and Maya, the fog of confusion, to come and play tricks with me, for i'm seeking a place far beyond the realm of dissatisfaction.
And this striving is not a state of craving, but the solution to all craving, a state of peace which is impenetrable by anything. It is vajra nature, it is the adamantine thunderbolt, the diamond, and the emptiness-potential-for all things to manifest in their glory just as they are changing every moment in relation to all other changes. And the mind that strives for this state of Nibbana is called the ocean of nectar, the primordial human, the loving being without all it's agendas and fetters of preconceived stress, it is stresslessness. Whereas stress arises on the surface of the river only to morph and mutate and then dissappear over the waterfall and sit at the bottom for a few moments, This peace is the ever-changing water, floating the boat on its love for all beings. I embrace my love of wisdom with a gratitude that surpasses all feigned adoration. A true love for that which brings goodness equal to the infinity of space. And yet our experience of this love is finite in so much as we continue to jump up and down at every sight we dislike, cursing, turning our insides into a circus ride, craving a substantial self. I used to crave what was outside of me to come back inside. We are complete just as we are, and yet can we also be more motivated to maintain our gaze on this completion? We can motivate ourselves towards taking in this graceful Truth serum, that is already inside of us waiting to be activated, sometimes hiding under the turmoil of action or inaction. If we are to create action, then may it be the most loving and beneficial action, else we should not make action, we should give it away to time-dust and listen to the peace of not-needing-any-action-to-make-ourselves whole. We are whole before any action takes place, and it is the denial of this which gives so much pain. On top of this we are destined to see our previous mistakes, manifest around us, until we persevere in consistent integrity. And if you ask me if this universe is judging me, i say there is not a force that has judgement over the universe in any shape or form, for the universe is a collective creation, and only through the virtue of creativity does any value system have a chance to come out and play. Only then, after the creative one has set their intent, then they may further create a value thought based on it's declared usefulness, and not before the process of creation begins.
Through expression, the joyful reflection of the compassionate mind, another person can guide us into their experience and see it as if it's ours, and therefore construct a truth which is mutually valuable to us, in our heart's language. In that way, all truths that are given motion from the truly phenomenal heart-existence of our innermost being are the only basis for Absolute truth. All truths that are given motion out of the need to express diversity are Relative, and all truths which neither express diversity nor stem from our actual experience in any real way are not really truths, they are impossiblities. It is these impossible thoughts presented as declared truth which have given rise to all pain and suffering across the nations and it is these impossible thoughts which are postpoing the healthy living consciousness from witnessing the ever-changing light of existence. The more questions we ask and the more light we seek: the more the truth re-asserts itself as the same, eon after eon, galaxy after galaxy, time after time, body after body.
I praise the everlasting effulgence which pervades the entire universe, as the universe itself is a truth speaker that arises to dispel the impossible thought fabrications and transform their confused motivations into union with truth. I open myself as a channel to a stream which heals all illusions and returns the sons and daughters of every species into final release from all suffering, from all grasping, and from all false fixed beliefs.