Juice fast day 9

Aug 07, 2011 22:25

 So, what's really interesting to me is how suggestible I am.  Or perhaps a better way of describing it would be 'rat with a pellet'.  Seriously. - I had no idea how much and how often my brain goes off on what I will called 'food cues'.  I will be driving down the freeway and the idea will pop into my head 'burrito' and that, I think, is how it would start - I would start thinking about said burrito and pretty soon - I had to have one.  HAD to.

No, when that happens, I say 'nuh uh', and the thought goes away.  I wonder how many other compulsive eaters have this - I am sure I am not alone.  One thing I keep reminding myself of however, is a quote from 'What the Bleep' - "Nerves that fire together, wire together' - meaning that terminal axons in the brain, the ones that send and receive the electrical impulses that become thoughts, physical sensation, movement - what have you - the ones that frequently repeat particular impulses - those become easier to replicate - essentially this is the process of forming a habit - so my constant denial of the 'food cues', with consistent repetition become easier.  It's true - it's happening.

When I first started to get 'off' of junk food - and make no mistake, most of meats available in today's fast food restaurants have, in addition to some scary chemicals - mono sodium glutemate - a substance that has been shown to be both an inflammatory and addictive.  And don't get me started on high fructose corn syrup.  But I digress - so when I first started getting 'off' of junk food - I would drive down the street and "white knuckle it' to keep myself from going to Taco Bell.  Now, I drive by and yes, the thought still pops into my brain but I am able to clear it out just as easily.

Fast is getting easier and hunger is almost completely non-existent now.  I got a wild hair and went to Fu Bonn - which is a local Asian supermarket and I got a really fine strainer - the thought occurred to me that I may be struggling with hunger because a fair amount of pulp was getting into my juice and thus continuing the digestion process.  So I strained it - and there really was quite a lot of pulp.  It'll be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow.

juice fast

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