Oct 08, 2012 20:13
I read quite a bit and I watch television. I guess we all do. But I have a problem; I can’t watch or read without being pulled out of the story by little things.
I work in a living history museum on the weekends, so sometimes even my favorite shows can drive me crazy. Fantasy, historical and post-apocalyptic things are the ones most likely to have things that drive me nuts in them. You have to understand that I have ridden horses, raised, killed and dressed my own food, loaded and shot a flintlock. Oh yeah, and we use a water powered grist mill.
It takes me right out of the story to see things done wrong - or weirdly or whatever. The image sticks in my head for days and days. Or the image of the words in the case of a book where a woman took off a bra in the about 600 years before the bra was invented.
So if you are writing, try to make the details as right as possible. After all, if I notice, others will.