¬ 1-8 Salaam E Ishq ¬ 9-13 General Hospital ¬ 14-19 Boa - Brand New Beat MV
- Comment if you take - Credit me - No hotlinking - Do not alter - If you use my stuff at forums please credit me as: bodea@lj - Enjoy
So, I've had these ideas for a fanfic floating around in my head for a bit. I think I'm gonna give them a go. I also have a couple of vids I want to start working on. Seems like forever since I've done one. I always plan to, but it never works out time wise. I'm also gonna revamp my domain soon. Since I'll be posting all my vid and graphics here, I'll probably turn it into a fanlisitng collective. I'm also thinking about hosting fanfics and listings for those who need/want it.