Feb 08, 2007 08:29

Part of our Christmas stockings from Juanell were bags filled with candy...Hershey Kisses, Tootsie Rolls, Rolo, that sort of thing. They're pretty patterned bags, and Maggie found one a few weeks ago. She played for a while with the pretty sparkly things (under close supervision), and then I hid it in the front bedroom. This morning she spotted it again. "Bag bag bag!" First I sorted out all the peanut butter candies (neither of us is supposed to have peanuts atm). Then I gave it to her.

She doesn't actually want to eat the chocolate. She unwraps a candy, licks it, maybe nibbles a corner, then hands it to me.

There are little foil wrappers scattered over the floor. She asked for Clifford and I told her she had to throw the wrappers in the trash first. "Mom." "No, YOU made the mess, YOU pick it up." "" "AFTER you put the wrappers in the trash." We'll see how long this takes.


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