rainfletcher is home sick. Hoping I don't catch it!
We went out and preordered Burning Crusade yesterday. I'm a little bit mixed on the whole thing: on the one hand, it'll be nice to be able to advance Tityre again; on the other, I'm concerned that it will expand the gap between those-that-raid and those-that-don't even farther. The world events to mark the expansion have been cool so far, too--we went to Blasted Lands and helped defend against invading demons. I missed the super-demon laying waste to Ironforge; there were SO MANY skeletons in front of the bank, so I'm not sure how much fun that would have been!
I've been making myself a sock on the knifty knitter. I made a couple of mistakes, but that won't matter for things that I will only use around the house (they're far too bulky to go under shoes!). It's pretty cool though: "WOW! I made a SOCK!" And once I've got the technique down I'll be able to make felted slippers for Maggie.
I made chocolate/orange biscotti (used homemade candied peel too). I think they're super yummy, but J doesn't like them, darn it.