I found a great mirror image of Jewel-E that she took with, well a mirror. Along with that appeared two awesome sad-looking, staring/gazing pictures. Though I couldn't find a way to fit them on well, I did. This is the first sig I figured out new opacity techniques, and I made it turn out from Horrible to Eh, Not-So-Bad. I actually like it, though. I'm guessing not many others will, but it was laid out better then expected. What I liked about it, though, is how the fade of the picture on the right perfectly fits over her eye. That wasn't planned, just luck. You may not think the same as me, however. The other faded picture is a great picture of Jewel-E. Though the placing of it is a bit bizzare, and not appealing to the eye, it seems to me that now it fits better compared to how the fade changed it. The last thing I enjoy about looking at this sig is that Jewel-E's face is half hidden by her hair on the faded picture on the right. It's a good look when their hair is half covering their face. It's just cool to look at. And in this sig, it's as if the other picture is covering her face with her hair. It's different to me, so I like it.
Chauffeured from my game, a girl about my age was out on her deck. This was right after I was driving away. Her beauty caught my attention, and kept it for the few seconds before she disappeared from my life. Her younger sister (of course I'm guessing, but from their similar looks) was in a chair facing her, listening to what seemed as intent. What was she saying? I wanted to say something to her, knowing I'd never see her again. Just to tell her: she caught my attention. A simple hi, then she could vanish from my life forever. The air caressed my arm as we drove by. It was sore, and the feeling was soothing. Soothing also to the wind through my hair. A window down is a luxury when I’m in the car. She never saw me, and I’m sure she never will. It’s too bad. Leaves me feeling empty. Because all I wanted to do was say hi.