May 09, 2008 15:10
My friend Emma has been hooking up slash hanging out with this guy for about a week or so, and he's a cool, nice guy. She was really drunk last night and she went to hang out in his dorm.
She calls my friend Jenn a little bit after she leaves and asks for Jenn to come get her. She sounds really upset, so Jenn hurries. This is the thing that makes me proud: Jenn asked me to go with her because she needed someone who could be fierce and throw down if this guy was being weird. That is the type of strong force I want to be in life, and it made me really happy that I exude that kind of intensity and dominance to other people.
Emma was fine, she was just feeling sick, so she wanted some support. But the guy was being totally sweet slash considerate about it so I didn't have to destroy anyone.
Home on Saturday!