Oct 29, 2003 21:18
I haven't updated in a million years. I don't even know that anyone has me on the buddie thing anymore. But I found a quiz and don't have anything else to do as of this moment.
I see: Letters.
I need: To go pee.
I like: My friends, music, being hugged.
I want: To quit my job.
I have on: Pajamas
I wish I had: A water bed.
I love: LaRen, and ice cream.
I hate: My school
I miss: Hanging out with my friends.
I fear: Being alone, I like people with me..most of the time.
I crave: Pumpkin pie
I feel: Tired, and a hurting head
I hear: Tiger Army
I smell: Cucumber Melon.
I wonder: Why Chemistry is so pointless?
I regret: Not keeping in contact with old friends.
When was the last time you ...
Smiled? When I was saying bye to Melissa at work.
Cried: Yesterday
Danced? Homecoming, Saturday night.
Were sarcastic? 2 seconds ago.
Kissed someone? Saturday.
Watched your favorite movie? Long time ago.
Had a nightmare? I guess last night..although it wasn't quite a nightmare.
A Last time for everything...
Last book you read: The Scarlet Letter (barf)
Last movie you saw: Some movie about German and Jewish lesbians on the IFC.
Last song you heard: Tiger Army- Cupid's Vicim
Last thing you had to drink: Root Beer
Last time you showered: Yesterday.
Last thing you ate: Potato stuff.
Do You...
Smoke? ewww no.
Do drugs? Nope.
Have sex? Have your mom?
Sleep with stuffed animals? Yes
Live in the moment? I try to.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse? Yes.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? Nope
Play an instrument? I wish.
Believe there is life on other planets? Nope.
Remember your first love? Yes since I am going out with him and all.
Read the newspaper? Sometimes I read the comics :]
Have any gay or lesbian friends? I wish.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? It's possible, but I'm sure very hard.
Consider love a mistake? Nope.
Like the taste of alcohol? Yuck, no.
Have a favorite candy? Fast Breaks.
Believe in astrology? No but I still read it for fun.
Believe in magic? No I am always the person yelling that it is fake :/
Believe in God? No
Pray? Maybe if I really want something....jk
Go to church? Nope.
Have any secrets? Of course
Have any pets? Yes, 3 cats.
Do well in school? Yes.
What college are you planning to attend? Ummm some community college.
Wear hats? Nope.
Have any piercing? My ears.
Have any tattoos? Nope.
Hate yourself? Sometimes
Have an obsession? Ice cream
Collect anything? I am a pack rat, I collect all things.
Have a best friend? Yes I do.
Wish on stars? Yes I am a big wishing person.
Like your handwriting? Nope.
Have any bad habits? bite my nails.