Apr 27, 2004 21:26
its so hot!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahah i love it
hm lets see today martin and kevin came to watch me play softball after school. then afterwards i played softball with them, it was funny. haha american idol is starting to get boring. i like suffer trying to watch that red head kid, he's so bad!! anyway yah star testing is sorta relaxing, i'm loving the shortened class periods. they're great. but yah the smoke signal = gay. thts basically the worse article on softball they could do. first off, its our school, so shoudln't they want to support us? also, they cover the game when we play the number one team and lose 0-10...whats the point in that? and third, they don't even get the players names and grades right! so yah, basically school newspaper SUCKS hahah :)jk its wonderful, i don't wanna offend people haha
yahhhhhhhhh pretty bored this is the 2nd week of grounding, i wonder how long it will actually last haha summer seems a long ways off....
tomorrow is the day of silence! great excuse not to talk in class haha but if u don't talk, does that mean you're gay orrr just that ur supporting people? i think the 2nd reason would make more sense
yes and yuchen there is no whining in this, only angry complaining!!!