Happy Fourth of July!
she's so cute :) that was from the greensburg 4th of july parade haha
so yah i'm in indiana for a week and a half and then on to virginia for a week. whoo hoo! heres a cool picture from my flight
basically i've been entertaining myself with my digital camera haha one highlight of the trip so far was at walmart though. there was an amish guy there, and i look in his shopping cart and he was buying instant pizzas! haha so funny also on the wall of this restaurant there was a bulletin that said there was an annual golf tournament being held in the memory of two young men who were taken in an auto accident on the way to detassel corn. yah its sad... but wtf is corn detasseling?? hahah
anywayss today i went to the town's parade. life here is sooo different than life in fremont. the small town concept is kinda heart warming though.
and here's the county courthouse, its famous for the tree growing out of it haha
then i went to a family friend's house ate, layed in the hammock, and took pictures. haha
me in hammock
yah sorry this is so long, probably really boring but i have nothing else to do. but now people can't complain i don't post! ha! :)