Yes, I acctually sent this to Laura Mallory, or at least the group she works with. She'll never read it, but I enjoyed writing it. For those who don't know: Laura Mallory is the women leading an atmept to ban Harry Potter from her Gorgia Library.
This message is directed to Laura Mallory and all those involved in the campaign against Harry Potter.
Dear Laura Mallory,
First I'd like to point out that I am a fellow Christian, and believe many of the same thing you do. Please hear my opinion out, and give it the respect it deserves, as I do your opinion.
I don't wish to offend you, but I believe you're mission is short-sighted, and uninformed. You have a right to your opinion, as does everyone, but banning Harry Potter is wrong, and I'd even go as far as to say immoral. Harry Potter stands for the triumph of good, and the defeat of evil. It also glorifies friendship, and dedication to doing what is right, whether others agree with you or not. What I enjoy the most is that it promotes acceptance of others no matter who they are.
I know this won't change your mind; I'm sure you're about as stubborn as I am. What I do hope is that you read this, and consider what I'm saying. As a Christian, and a Harry Potter fan, I ask you: Where would the world be without fantasy? I mean Christianity in it's self has a few fantastical events in it's belief; what can be wrong with a little fantasy that even little children can see is fiction. If you actually succeed in this you'd have to remove a third of all childerns literature, including both "Lord of the Rings" and the Narnia series; which both are varry Christian stories.
If you keep this up, then that's your choice. I hope your issue reaches the Supreme Court, because they will never rule in your favor. I have some advice for you, since I know you will never stop:
Read the Harry Potter books. You may not see what I and thousands of others see, but you'll at least know what you're talking about, and your case would be more accepted.
Open your mind to the possibility that God loves every one, and everything. This includes the Harry Potter books, and many other things which I have the feeling you don't accept.
In closing I'd like to say: I believe the world, specifically America, needs more God as well, but it need to start with you. Christianity can not find the hearts of new Christians if we force our belief s on others. Christianity in general has become old, and can not reach the hearts on young Americans as well as it should. This is due to Close-minded Christians, such as yourself, who can't find God in the things youth enjoy today.
With God's Love,
Drew Dunlap
21 year old Christian, and Harry Potter fan.