Jun 25, 2006 04:28
Prolouge: Professor Gilly is laying down to sleep
in cream, cream, cream webs.
Enwrapped in rapture and tangled in tangible pleasures
(cups of fresh coffee, chineese flowers)
he will dream the big one.
I. Love
I. Intrigue
I. Pussy
I. [wild dark-hearts crackle and graggle]
void tempo!
void reason!
[give bitches their streets and clocks; leave geese the sky ]
void diction!
void freedom!
[in decedant error thou shalt triumph]
void direction!
embrace peaches!
I. on speaking in the dark:
it would be reasonable to suggest that since I have not slept I am tired.
(we) (we are tired)
each word > word + word (words)
it would be reasonable to suggest that broken bottle glass spells bottles.
(necessary) /\
I. [thou shalt consume what thou can not apply]
dear soft person,
falling through is like swimming in russian milk.
I am in control. Please unwrap.
(for the love of god)
Epilouge: Professor Gilly is waking up
on a couch.