Jul 08, 2006 01:34
i haven't written here in forever, if that wasn't blatantly obvious....
there's just not much that's interesting in my life or my head, and if there is it generally goes on myspace
apparently a lot of people read my blog on there, but no one ever says anything back any more, which is mildly disheartening
but what can you do?
so i decided to redo this one, color/layout wise for those of you who don't read my LJ on your friend page.
it's a little childish, but i like it, i think:)
school's over and i'm working for my dad a few days a week as his evening secretary. i like working for him and with the other ladies.
whenever i'm there the older patients ask if i'm the doctor's daughter. they say i look just like him :)
i'm still looking for a day job. hopefully something long-term that pays well, but i'll take anything.
i'd even consider going back to retail for a spell until i get a hang of this resume/coverletter nonsense. which actually sounds good, increase my bank account.
i'm taking a year off, incase any of you didn't already know that... i'll go back to grad school in about a year...maybe two.
everyone tells me how smart i am for taking time off, but part of me can't help feeling like a failure for not being where i always thought i'd be.
so maybe people will read this, then everyone can stop asking what i'm doing with my life. because it's annoying.
i started rehearsal yesterday for STAGE's production of Once on This Island. (STAGE is a new company following the footsteps of KTMTW). I was really nervous about it at first. I thought it was going to be lame because sooooo many of the cast members are still in highschool (i'd guess 90%) but as a god (Erzulie to be exact) i mostly spend time with the other gods right now, and they're all nice. we have fun together. and there are a lot of days i don't have to be there, which is convenient. rehearsals are slow tho....agonizingly so at times because the kids don't pay attention, none of them site read, Chris-god bless him-can't play piano for crap so that goes even slower, and it takes a while for them to get the dance moves. i don't remember KTMTW ever being that slow. granted it was 3+years ago that i last did one of their shows so my memory could be escaping me. but i found myself biting my tongue from making comments to/about them, or telling them to be quiet. i don't want to be that bitchy older girl who's only doing this show because she has no life (which is actually kindof true), and besides, that's the director's jobs. which, by the way, we're supposed to call all the directors miss or mr. HA! phil is phil, chris is chris, stephanie is stephanie, and that other lady is just that other lady who does funny choreography that i don't have to do so i don't care. OH! if you want to buy tickets let me know if you want them pre-sale or reserved.
i'm trying to make a lot of changes in my life. eating healthy, exercising, changing the way i think, finally organizing my room and trying to keep it clean, and trying to become a better person. we'll see how all that goes. it's quite the list, and i'm having a hard enough time with the healthy/exercising/clean thing to even think about the rest. but they're on my list.
i should get some sleep so i can get up and finally go to the gym perhaps... that membership is wasting away with its inactivity...
a summary of life