The time has come the walerus said to the little oister

Apr 18, 2004 22:02

you know when i was a kid I was once in the play alice in wonderland. I must have been about 4 or 5 years old. I was the smallest girl in my class. I was one of the oisters that got eatten. So There i was in my little costume running in a circle on stage tryin g to cheep up on stage with everyone else while everyone was laughing. I was really embarassed. Now I'm not really embarassed about myself, because I am what I am and I was born this way. But with cutting i am embarassed and it isn't somthing i was born with and I can change it. So i think its time to stop this madness for myself, for my family, for my friends. I not afraid of having a good day or smiling or laughing at my own jokes. I don't wana be a total downer anymore and I don't wana be depressed anymore. I wana have healthy relationships with people that are not baised on me being sick. I'm not sick. I mean yeah I have a desease bvut I'm not sick>so I think I need to smile and laugh and have really good times. I need to leave all the bad stuff behind and now I'm determined. So if people say ever again u have to want to stop >i threw out my razor, I told my parent, I spoke to my outreach councler about alternitives and i'm getting help>so u could say I WANT TO STOP CUTTING AND I WILL NOT BE A SLAVE TO SELF INJURY FROM THIS DAY FOWARD!!!!!!!- thats all i got right now so. I'll talk more later
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