The thought of plastering a warning label to my forehead occurred more than once to me, yeah can we say contents under pressure? Watch what you wish for, isn’t that what they say? That was all I could come up with, some fucking wish stone
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“It’s all good,” I answered, stepping inside, looking around for a place to sit, and then choosing to pace instead of sitting.
“Yeah, well,” I began, leaning my head to the left and then the right, until I heard the familiar pop. “Not an easy way to tell ya this,” I took a deep breath, “Not sure if its an apocalypse, someone’s made a wish, who the fuck knows.” Then I realized trying to explain everything, I didn’t know the answers, just spitting it out that was the best way to go.
“Seems we have some unexpected visitors, and they’ve come from a long way. Got mixed feelin’s about it ya know? That whole be careful what you wish for thing?”
Fuck this wasn’t going well, either. Sitting on the edge of the arm of a chair, carefully balancing myself, I tried again. Cursing under my breath wishing B’ was here, she was speech gal not me.
“Apparently Wesley is alive, my first Watcher Dian, Fred and Lindsey, he was in LA. Could be others, I’m not sure.” I looked up at him and waited.
That was a rather alarming start. I suddenly wonder...wondered if I had the physical make up to attain what she seemed ready to tell me. It was likely a maelstrom of some kind and my immune system was ravaged fighting the flu at the moment. Information of an austere nature might just knock the wind right out of me.
“Not sure if its an apocalypse, someone’s made a wish, who the fuck knows.”
I lumbered over and grabbed my tea and mixed it with some robitussin.
“Seems we have some unexpected visitors, and they’ve come from a long way. Got mixed feelin’s about it ya know? That whole be careful what you wish for thing?”
I was processing this. Visitors? Visitors from where? Be careful waht you wish for?
Quite alarming. Now, I knew very much what it must have felt like to Buffy, Xander and Willow all of those times when I provided a long-winded diatribe about a demon or a sect before I reached the point.
“Apparently Wesley is alive, my first Watcher Dian, Fred and Lindsey, he was in LA. Could be others, I’m not sure.”
The alarm now filled my face.
"If...if Wesley is alive and this Fred worked with him on Angel's team...if they are alive, then lives the possibility tthat Angel himself, possibly even Spike could be alive...of course,, it all depends how this came about. What was this be careful what you wish for sentiment that you relayed earlier?"
I coughed and then took a sip of tea, followed by more robitussin, washed down by another swig of tea as I looked her in the eye.
“Yeah, I’ve thought about that,” my voice trailing off a little shrugging, “not sure how I’d handle Mayor Wilkins, I’ll just have to deal, I guess. Anyone could be back G-man, that’s the scary part.” Not that it really scared me; okay it did, but not so much. Just have to figure out another way to kill ‘em.
Looking at him, he didn’t look Giles like, I couldn’t remember ever seeing him like this, “you don’t look so good there, G-man, should you see a doc, we don’t need you with the sickness. Think it might be related, your being sick and all?”
My heart barely skipped a beat, even with her attempt at wit when pointing the gun made of fingers and knuckles at my head. It truly could be disastrous, and yet, I just wanted to sit down, tell her to go handle it, and sleep.
Alas, though, I knew that I couldn't do that. It behooved me and was in fact a requisite that I make myself available for any situation whether terse or banal.
“not sure how I’d handle Mayor Wilkins, I’ll just have to deal, I guess. Anyone could be back G-man, that’s the scary part.”
Finally, something sparked within me and I didn't feel as sick.
Jenny could be back. Now, it was of the utmost improtance to me to try to find out what was going on in this matter.
“you don’t look so good there, G-man, should you see a doc, we don’t need you with the sickness. Think it might be related, your being sick and all?”
All I could think of was seeing Jenny again. I hardly recognized her words.
"Oh, I've seen a doctor already. Your standard flu, although I've been sick long enough where I believe it could be mononucleosis..."
I didn't want Faith to leave, now, though my last remark was likely to and did make her take a few steps backward. Jenny could be alive and we needed answers. Buffy was who knows where so naturally, I turned to Faith as the muscle in the equation, if it was necessary.
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