
Aug 14, 2005 22:51

This is a terribly long survey that I stole from beckyaya

Describe your:

x. [Wallet] black leather, croc print. kind of big.
x. [Hairbrush] Black, with a cushy black and grey handle
x. [Toothbrush] It's electric. But...I think it died =(
x. [Jewelery worn daily] Three pairs of earrings (silver studs, diamond studs, diamond hoops), and usually a necklace.
x. [Coffee cup] I dont drink coffee
x. [Sunglasses] Black ones from Target
x. [Underwear] Um...usually thongs
x. [Favorite shirt] Right now, its my white halter
x. [CD in stereo right now] No CD's...only an ipod
x. [Tattoos] none...dont think i'll ever have one
x. [Piercings] Three in each ear
x. [What you are wearing now:] Marlins (lo duca!) t shirt and plaid pj pants
x. [Hair] Dark brown, long, straightened right now
x. [Do you like candles] I do! But I tend to use them for decoration only...
x. [Do you believe in love] Absolutely!!
x. [Do you believe in soul mates] Not really...soul mates should have everything in common with a perfect relationship, and thats not common
x. [Do you believe in love at first sight] not really.
x. [What do you want done with your body when you die] Hmm. I want everything that can be used to be donated. I think I want my remains buried...its traditional
x. [What are you gonna do when you're older?] I have no idea!! Id like to be a psychiatrist
x. [How many songs do you have on your computer?] Oh gosh. I dont know! There are 565 songs in my itunes...but I have a lot that are just in random folders elsewhere
x. [What band are you listening to now?] Im listening to That 70's Show
x. [Look out your window...tell me what you see] The house next door.
x. [If you could have any animal for a pet what would you have?] A puppy!!
x. [What is the longest you've ever stayed up?] When I flew to London, I was up for like...36 hours or something? It was awhile ago, I dont remember now.

[ When was the last time you ... ]
x. [Smiled?] A few minutes ago while watching "Super Troopers"
x. [Laughed?] See above
x. [Bought] Dinner last night
x. [Danced?] Probably at some random song in the car
x. [Were sarcastic?] At dinner tonight, talking to Mary.
x. [Had a nightmare?] I had a nightmare last night, but I cant remember what it was about
x. [Last book you read] "The Guardian" by Nicholas Sparks. Love him right now!!
x. [Last movie you saw] In theaters? Dukes of Hazzard.
x. [Last thing you had to drink?] Diet Coke
x. [Last thing you had to eat] A strawberry italian ice! yummy!

[ Fashion ]
x. [Do you wear a watch?] not really
x. [How many coats and jackets do you own?] A ski jacket, and a long black coat. A couple fitted jackets too
x. [Favorite trousers color?] Denim
x. [Most expensive item of clothing?] prom dress sitting in the back of my closet
x. [Describe your style in one word] Me

[ Your Friends ]
x. [Do your friends know you?] I hope so!
x. [Are there traits in you that are universally liked?] I..dont really get this one.
x. [How many people do you tell everything to?] Just Kelly really

[ Music/TV/Books ]
x. [Favourite band ever?] Hanson!! They still rock, even now
x. [Do you find any famous musicians good-looking?] I dont know...I used to be really into all that
x. [Type of music most listened to?] Hmm. Honestly there isnt one kind. Probably pop
x. [Type never listened to?] Country
x. [Favorite book?] I couldnt possibly pick a favorite

[ General Questions ]
x. [What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?] Sunny!
x. [Do you consider yourself lucky?] Yes, very
x. [Choose one word to describe how you feel most often] Content
x. [Do you own any plaid clothing?] PJ pants!
x. [Is there more than one zipper in your pants?] No..
x. [Do you own braces?] I used to have them, got them off in 8th grade
x. [Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?] No
x. [Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?] No...
x. [Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?] Ive never died my hair myself. I had it highlighted a few times professionally...
x. [Do you own a bandana?] No
x. [Are you amused by safety pins] Kind of...its something that I could play with forever
x. [Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?] Nope

[Habits/Beliefs ]
x. [Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?] Not really
x. [Do you smoke cigarettes?] Ew, no
x. [Are you vegan/vegetarian?] Nope...couldnt do it
x. [Do you think meat is murder?] Like Audrey said, it is!! heh. But it doesnt bother me really
x. [Have you ever slept in an alley or park?] No
x. [Do you wash your hair less than once a week?] Ew no. My hair would be disgusting
x. [Have you ever gone a week without a shower?] Almost, in Europe. I couldnt do it though.
x. [Birthday] June 26, 1985
x. [Sign] Cancer
x. [Location] Boca Raton, FL
x. [Status] Completely taken
x. [Natural hair color] Dark brown
x. [Current hair color] same
x. [Eye color] Dark brown
x. [Height] 5'4
x. [Shoe size] 9ish
x. [Parents] Check
x. [Siblings] 16 year old sister, Mary
x. [Live with] Mi Familia

x. [Number] 1
x. [Color] Red
x. [Day] Saturday
x. [Month] June
x. [Song] Right now? La Tortura by Shakira
x. [Movie] could never pick. i love movies too much
x. [Food] pizza!!
x. [Season] summer
x. [Class] So far, Human Development was my favorite
x. [Teacher(s)] Dr. Jakubow
x. [Drink] Diet Coke
x. [Veggie] Asparagus
x. [Radio station] i dont have a favorite
x. [Store] CVS is always fun
x. [Animal] dogs

x. [Me/You] Me
x. [Coke/Pepsi] Coke
x. [Day/night] Night
x. [CD/cassette] CD
x. [Jeans/khakis] Jeans
x. [Car/truck] car
x. [Tall/short] Tall!
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