And now for smtnioheg cmepetloey dfrefnint

Jun 09, 2008 21:41

I don't recall who it was anymore, though I'm pretty sure it was somebody on my LJ friends list, but someone had pointed me to an article suggesting that as long as the first and last letters of a word were correct, the remainder could be in any order and we could still read the text with no difficulty. The article of course gave lots of sample text that was indeed not significantly more difficult to read scrambled than it was in clear text. I of course pointed out that there were rather somewhat more examples of words that were difficult if not next to impossible to descramble (not to mention, as any Scrabble player knows, there are huge numbers of words that use the same set of letters.)

That said, I was reminded of this when I ran across this Firefox add-on. (While searching for something that would give me email notification of RSS feeds.*)


Basically it adds a scramble option to your right-click menu for selected text. Amaze your friends! Confound your enemies! Produce even more unreadable text by combining this with any of the myriad ipsum lorem generators!

*: The only thing I've found so far - beyond a few blog-specific services, is RSS FWD. Not, you'll notice, a Firefox add-on. Okay, there was also something involving a bunch of perl scripting that I really don't feel like messing with right now. If anybody's interested, I'll follow this up with any further findings, as well as news of how RSS FWD works out.
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