granted yesterday was so refreshing but

Apr 07, 2005 00:52

so school was tough, i was tired all day, went home played hold'em against my computer, kicked so much ass i forgot to nap, just when i was about to i got a call from manning about softball, so i picked him up went to nickol (sp?) knoll and macheck, hile, manning, jarrett, tony, brett and i hit the ball around, eventually, after some frustration, played volleyball at frontier. Fucking Pecka showed up and it was a 4 on 4 casual game that went on for at least an hour. i claimed that i was the prince of references, and was just generally annoying. but then we went to pastabilities and much pasta was consumed, but we were all exhausted so we departed. after i dropped of manning tony and i began to chat about his taylor situation. Little did we know we were about to almost top The greatest conversation that I have ever had! By the way that convo was with Tony as well but occured many years ago that I refered to this email that I wrote the Mr. Bolos and copied onto .

By the way, I had one of the most intelligent
conversations with a human being ever. This
conversation was with Tony Romano (a previous student
of Mr. Cushing's) after a fine day of skateboarding.
We were siting behind Waldo's $1 Mart, a skate spot of
ours, and we got into a heated discussion first about
anarchy (which a openly bashed all of last year, which
a take back, seeing as i had no clue what i was
talking about, and i was turned onto
and learned what anarchy really is) then it turned
towards the so called "democracy" (this fuelled by one
of your comments of today "America should focus more
on being a democracy") then towards a solution to the
current terrorism enigma which plagues us. Him being a
moderate - republican and me being what he calls "a
bleeding heart liberal" he went more towards the "lets
bomb 'em all"" approach and i took the "don't dig us
into a hole which we can't get out of" approach. He
changed a lot of my opinions, but in the end we
decided that "once you become a victim, you hate the
enemy" and i never looked at the situation like that,
and I now see some of the reasons why they government
is taking extreme steps to eliminate the threats
(a.k.a. war) He also commented on the possible
cover-up on the happenings of flight 93, which he said
was possibly shot down, and the government covered it
up and made up the "lets roll" story, which i agreed
with, whats your opinion?

But this one was a lot more mature and relevant.
As I was saying, it all started with the Taylor issue in relation to prom, I brought up Alex, then we talked about Prom itself. We came to the conclusion that of course it is a formallity and a tradition, but the reason it means so much to so many people is that is their "last hurrah." And it is those people thatr care about high school events, where as we realized that isn't how our group of friend's see it. WE still have all of summer and perhaps beyond. and in this i come to the conclusion that if I really do not emotionally care about the person that I am with then there is no reason to go. That is negating me getting on the Prom Court. Because i realized I DONT CARE about that shit. I am saying that with the knowledge of why I did care. I wanted validation for being recognized as a nice person. This prom topic led us to the subject of high school itself, and we broke down both of our social development/ maturity throughout the past four years. This led us to the topic of after high school and beyond to just life, and eventually beyond to the after-life. Not many conclusions were drawn about any of them because we don't know. But all in all this 3+ hour conversation was so fantastic.

But I slept for 4 hours last night and I am tired but my hair does need cutting.
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