Mar 02, 2005 01:52
I've been up to a lot of V-show stuff, because being talented and generous is a really horrible combination...hence why I missed Enchanted castle on Friday because I suck. I've also been listening to a lot of Kid Presentable and Summer's End. That's how we do.
.Here is a list of what you need to get me.
: hot chocolate
: school to go away
: to go to western this weekend
: to get tired
: a fairy godmother who doubles as a replacement for brad
: to hook rago up with pretty boys
: to listen to MORE kid presentable
: homework to disappear
: for rubbish films to become huge
: a hoe
: a way to be a little less sexy...because it's getting to be too much to handle
: a book on how to treat that coochie like a maze complex
: a haircut