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9th November 2003
The day started out at Willie’s house again. As no one had been in touch with Willie we were hoping that he hadn’t forgotten about the day and wouldn’t get a surprise as we turned up on his doorstep. This time Bob went with Stoo and the radios were packed away in Bobs bag in Willies car. Just as we hit the roundabout at Strathclyde park Willie signalled that he’d forgotten the way so Stoo took the lead with Bobs help and surprisingly we didn’t miss a single turn off this time!
Once we arrived we started getting our gear together and as Bob and Mark were using their own guns for the first time the rest of the team were looking forward to using the new hire AK47 Spestnaz….turns out it was the FAMAS’ again but that didn’t faze anyone I don’t think. Most folk came to the conclusion that Bob had to many pockets once he’d put on his SAAV…when you asked him for anything it took 5 mins for him to find the right pocket.
We managed to make it onto the same team this time after Steve christened us with the comment “I’ll go with Team Tonka and Bobz Squad.” The first game was the same as the last time with one team trying to take the base and eliminate all the defenders…we attacked first and done not to badly. The main part of our team ran off down our right flank whilst a small group including Bob and Willie went for their weaker defended side. With the help of a few members from Team Tonka, Bob and Willie made it virtually into the base but the handful of people that were dug in managed to hold us off. Mark and Stoo seemed to fair a little better on the other flank but they were eventually cut down as well. The re-run seen us hold off the other team and made then assault us from further away but they made us pay yet again.
Following that it was an elimination game based around the farmhouse. The first game ended up with the opposing team setting up a kill zone at the courtyard which effectively stopped us from getting anywhere. Stoo managed to take out a gun nest at one corner but it wasn’t enough to swing the game back into our favour. The rematch seen us fighting deeper in the forest this time with the opposing teams using shotgunners as snipers. Bob managed to sneak his way round only to wake up up one of the snipers and then get wasted after every single shot he fired missed the target.
After lunch it was down to the bridge for a demolition game and we travelled in style. The whole team and a few others in the back of the Tonka Truck drove down the path and surprisingly the truck made it in one piece! We almost lost gordon though at one point as the tailgate fell open and he fell over onto his back.
We took our turn first to defend and defend we did! They had put a couple of snipers in the tree line on the left hand side which were causing us a little bother so Bob tried to head up the stream to cross it and out flank them. He managed to fall face first into the stream though and it was only the reeds that stopped him getting soaked. He did manage to take one of the snipers out though but also found another couple hiding further back from the tree line…he didn’t take them out. The rematch seen Stoo and Waltz taking the part of the demolitions experts and also seen the use of some military smoke grenades to try and get our experts up onto the bridge. The alamo was totally blocked from our view but Waltz aim wasn’t the greatest as he managed to miss the bridge completely with his first grenade and the second wasn’t quite far enough over it work properly. We didn’t blow the bridge
The last game was King of The Hill. We were split into four teams and spread out around the bridge/alamo area. As long as one member of the team was on the bridge you built time up and the team with the most time at the end won. We had to much trouble taking on team Tonka over the Alamo that I think we managed a time of 2 seconds if we were lucky!
Participants - Myself, Dave, Gordon, Mark, Stoo and Willie
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